Welcome to the Indie Tabletop Newsletter, hear from independent tabletop games designers about their current and upcoming projects. Take a look at the games we’ve already self-published and our upcoming Kickstarters, maybe even get yourself a free print n play game. Learn more about this newsletter here.
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We’ve also been speaking to a lot of cultural consultants to make sure we have the characters right. Two of the ones I’m most excited about are Wanthong (the main character in an epic Thai poem) and Policarpa Salavarrieta (a revolutionary and spy in the war for an independent Columbia).
The terrors are almost all drawn now. We’re adding to the pile a chupacabra (vampiric dog/reptile creature) and a bunyip (Australian swamp creature). Just need to get those done, then send off to our consultants to check we drew them at their scary best.
If you missed the Kickstarter, then you can preorder copies on GameFound! And you can even add copies of the Roll & Colour notepads too!

In Cloud Foxes, you are the chief of a cloud fox clan and have allied with human outlaws to take back your homeland from invading merchants. Roll your dice and allocate them in any combination to place your tiles. Tiles can be used to claim ports, fight for control of islands and loot merchant ships for valuable goods — plus each tile has a special ability, such as a combat, repair or bonus points. The game takes just a few minutes to learn, with lots of potential for clever tactics, and rewards a variety of long-term strategies. The modular board and randomised set-up means it is never the same game twice.
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We collected a lot of new sign-ups for Cloud Foxes and have made the final decision to launch the Kickstarter early in 2023. In the meantime, Marcos is working on the art and graphic layout, Martin is sourcing quotes for production and shipping, Richard is working on the solo mode and rules document, and Megan is continuing to build our social media following — and we’re all using the valuable feedback from Expo to put the finishing touches on the gameplay. We’re really fired up from all the compliments we received on the game and can’t wait to get it out there.

Web Shop – in happier news the Atikin Games web shop is now a thing! You can order my games from this very website! I’m gradually adding my products on to the site so the catalogue will be growing steadily. At the time of writing, you can purchase Tri To Win and Mini Memory Mischief and I will keep adding more games and handmade gaming accessories in the coming weeks.
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For anyone that doesn’t know: I’m in the UK, so I do ask that any customers outside of the UK, especially those in the EU consider placing your orders on my Etsy store instead if you’re worried about potential customs charges (Etsy is able to calculate and process sales tax and use an IOSS number for EU orders which at this time I’m unable to do).
New Products – thanks to some of the custom orders I’ve received over the past month I am now able to offer both clip on earrings and customised backpacks! I don’t yet have these listed online but you can always contact me for custom orders and I’ll try to get clip on earrings added as an option for all the earrings I currently make as well as getting some lovely custom backpacks set up with all the designs that you can currently see on the tote bags in my shop.

Cake of Doom is a light-hearted, family-friendly card game, coming to Kickstarter in October 2022. It’s the perfect game if you like the sound of: A wacky theme of cake-based alien invasion, Exploring specialty cakes like the Pavlova and the Moon Cake, Memorable frenemy moments including stealing regions and sabotaging with baking disasters, Portable small games with a quick teach suitable for casual and experienced gamers alike.
This will be the first campaign for Amar and Pearl. We’ve been working on Cake of Doom for almost two years and we can’t wait to bring it to life.
Most recently we went to UKGE where we did dozens of demos and met hundreds of fellow game lovers! At the end of 3 jam-packed days we are absolutely knackered, but it was well worth it for the warm fuzzy feeling every time Cake of Doom brought a smile to one of your faces.

In other news, it’s convention season and after a few years away it’s been great to get back to seeing the public and running games with UKGE in June, Rapture and Tabletop Con in July and KCon coming up in October, thanks to everyone who has come out to see us, it’s been great meeting all of you face to face and seeing some returning gamers, long may it continue.

There are a surprising number of hoops to jump through to get listed properly on Amazon – we’re sure all other small businesses can agree! But glad to have another avenue of murderous mayhem open to our very friendly and sociable Murderer.
Looking forward to causing more devious chaos by the end of the summer…

The wonderful Peter and Jeni at Gamers@Hart in Hartlepool run a summer club and have decided to use Zuuli as one of their games to run across the session and help kids learn and reinforce their maths skills! I’ve always been a big maths fan myself and it’s such a lovely unexpected and unintended side effect of launching Zuuli for it to be used in this way. Maths doesn’t have to be a dry and boring subject and it’s fantastic that board games like Zuuli can hopefully help break down that negative stereotype whilst also being a lot of fun at the same time.
Not only that but they’ve very kindly put together a custom score sheet that can help with the sums, which is available to download off their website here gamersathart.co.uk/resources-for-using-games-to-practise-maths/
That’s all for now so enjoy the weather, stay safe and catch you all next month!

One really cool thing that happened is that I was invited to be on a game developers panel at this year’s Denver Fan Expo (ComicCon), representing tabletop developers as part of the Colorado Game Developers Guild. The picture was taken before the panel started, and unfortunately, I didn’t get a picture of the panel discussion itself. Either way, it was awesome to represent tabletop gaming at such a large event (over 100,000 attendees)!
Throughout the conference, I was given VIP access to most things, I met a lot of super interesting people, and I networked with a bunch of other game developers and publishers.
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Overall, I highly encourage all to jump on such opportunities. I wasn’t paid for presenting on the panel, other than the free VIP access to everything, and I didn’t make any additional sales from attending, so it wasn’t great due to financial gain, it was just great to be a part of something amazing!
As for what’s coming in the next several months, Yub Nub Games, or at least my wife and I, are moving to Wyoming! My wife got a job that she’s been trying to get for a few years now, and her patience (and mine) paid off. We’ll be moving to Wheatland, Wyoming, which is a small town that’s primarily agricultural. We’ll be keeping our place in Colorado to rent out and have as an investment property. So, there will be a lot going on in my personal life which will put Yub Nub Games in the back seat for a bit. I was hoping to have my next two volumes of Top Tale ready to Kickstart in the Fall, but with all that’s going on, next Spring might be a safer bet.

Promos: We had fun working on the final components. While going through the process, we decided to print extra cards and books as promo material, so when we go to future gaming events, we have special giveaways for our fans. But not just that, we also worked on a few surprises that backers will discover in the pledge manager and even on the final day when they receive their rewards and open the game boxes. We wished we could be flies on the wall then.
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Early Copies: 4 of our 6 preproduction copies are assigned to backers who couldn’t wait to get their hands on Castleshire. We’ll ship them in August – signed by either the game designer, or media personalities who played the games or showcased them in their reviews.
Solo: We have added 4 pages to the rulebook to have space for the solo rules. Explaining the self-learning and memorizing AI turned out to be less lengthy than anticipated. Till, the designer, used this opportunity to add solo expansion rules to make the AI harder to play against once players become more experienced.
Reviews: The highly active crew of BrettspielSuchties have published their review of Castleshire in July. That’s the first review in German. Check it out: youtu.be/bAqf8KAk9yA We believe another German review may come in August. Better Half Reviews (US) has already posted a few times about the game; we might see their review soon.
Events: When you read this newsletter, we will have been to BGBTB, a relatively large 2-day board gaming evening in Auckland, New Zealand. We’ll publish details and photos in our next Kickstarter update: bit.ly/3PuYLqH