Mini Memory Mischief

Mini Memory Mischief funded on Kickstarter and can now be ordered from the Atikin Games online shop

Meet Mikro and Chip, back in the 80s they were brand new and exciting to their tech nerd fans. Now they find themselves in a dusty old box, no one has use for their archaic technology but they will also never throw them away. We can all take a lesson from Mikro and Chip who instead of letting their fate get them down have invented games to play together with their own memory stacks. Instead of worrying about the future they while away their hours playing games and entertaining each other, they’d love to play their favourite game with you, Memory Mischief.

I’d love to introduce you to my next game “Mini Memory Mischief” it will be a homemade mint tin game for 2 players going live on Kickstarter this Autumn, there’s also a signup form on this page to be notified when it goes live 😉

In the game players are trying to get letters in alphabetical order on their 8-bit memory stack, it’s not as easy as it sounds though, the other player can take their chance messing with your stack (not often, but enough to make the game a challenge). This game includes dice for some luck, player choices for strategy, mechanics that test your own memory (not just the digital kind) and cute little components that fit well in their little mint tin home. You can take the game anywhere as it fits nice and neatly in your pocket.


Where’s Mikro?

Origin Story

Mikro’s Bad Jokes – Scared of Computers

Easily Distracted


Fourth Wall

Mikro’s Bad Jokes – Learning Computers

Fan Art

Maximum 80s

Muscle Beach

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