Welcome to the Indie Tabletop Newsletter, hear from independent tabletop games designers about their current and upcoming projects. Take a look at the games we’ve already self-published and our upcoming Kickstarters, maybe even get yourself a free print n play game. Learn more about this newsletter here.
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You have entered your neighborhood Christmas lights competition and you are spending your time buying, drawing, and coloring your property with holiday lights and decor! Go to the Mistletoe Marketplace or Tinsel Thrift to get a leg up on your neighbors!
Or – you can bribe, brawl, and sabotage your neighbors (in Clark Griswold fashion) as you battle for Christmas glory.

Introducing board gamers hampers! – I’ve been putting together tabletop gaming themed hampers that include an Ultimate Board Game Survival Kit, tote bag, bookmark, keyring, button badges, the choice between my three mint tin games (Feline Felonies, Canine Capers or Mini Memory Mischief) and there’s the choice of having more meeples or more dice and having jewellery included or not.
I hope people will love the meeple holding dice design I made for the front of the box. The hampers come in really nice solid magnetic boxes so I wanted to make the box itself a beautifully designed keepsake for the gift receiver. At the moment I have a purple one listed, I plan to gradually add blue, yellow, green, red, orange and pink as well as offering a much bigger hamper that’s generically board game themed rather than centred around a player colour.
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I’m starting with the colours that have been the most popular for The Board Game Survival Kits, although as always, I’m more than happy to do custom orders and swap out items for others or to do other colours on request.
There’s more – As well as the addition of a gift card and hampers to the store I’ve also added beaded meeple necklaces, mini D20 cufflinks, more button badges and more mini dice bags with mini dice sets.
Christmas is coming – The meeple and D20 Christmas tree decorations have been doing amazingly, I’m on my third batch of making more stock at the moment, I hope to see many photos of trees adorned with them over the coming month.
Happy Holidays everyone! See you in 2025!

You can also find Left of Centaur as part of the Tabletop Stocking Stuffers bundle, which will feature 50 games at an incredible price!

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It’s been a busy few months generally. Our YouTube channel and Podcast Rule of Carnage continues to go from strength to strength with subscribers continuing to come in. My Patreon, where I offer free games and design essays, has been picking up members and I’ve been sorting out the last few details on several games coming out in the next six months. Until next time when a few more games should be out in the wild, merry Christmas to you all.

And Poll & Write 2024 (UK edition) has gone live on PNPArcade, a great source for print-and-play games! It’s just £7 there, a bargain for 1-7 players to roll and rewrite the UK general election, playing the role of any of the 7 parties featured! My aim is also to get the 2019 UK edition of the game and the USA edition completed for backers well before Christmas. You can search for Poll & Write on Kickstarter to late pledge!

Thank you to all of the wonderful folks who have backed games and had words of encouragement. We do it all for you! It has also been amazing to help a number of designers get their game ideas finished and published in the last year. We are looking forward to collaborating with outside designers again in 2025.
That said, no Kickstarter this month. Or next either. We’re taking a break to polish the 2025 slate of games to deliver on the promise of making the best games possible and getting them to you in the print and play format. If folks want to check out past projects, they are available on thegamecrafter.com just search roll and write revolution.
Thanks again! Happy Holidays!

Now that the Kickstarter has wrapped, we’re diving back into design on a couple of our other projects in the works. We’re also developing a second edition of Adrift, which is currently sold out in the US. This should be ready to ship in 2025, at the same time as Lint Condition!
In the meantime, come catch us at PAXU! PAX Unplugged is an annual board game convention in Philadelphia. This year’s event will be running Dec 6-8 and PostCurious will be exhibiting at booth 2707! If you’re attending, come by the booth and say hello, check out our other games, and chat with us about puzzles. 🙂

In the world of Unfringed I’ve been busy beavering away on my 3rd game and really hoping to show this for the first time at Airecon next year. Compared to the first two games, which mostly came together across a couple of evenings, this 3rd game has gone through a lot of iterations to give it that Unfringed sprinkle of magic. I feel now like it’s really close and just needs a little more playtesting and tweaking and I’ll have another game that I’m proud to put out into the world. I watched some really good videos on the process of prototyping and its similarity to a search algorithm and maybe it’s because I’m a software engineer in my day job but it really clicked with me and helped bring a lot of focus into the process. I have a few other prototypes that also work okay but none that yet feel special enough to publish.
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It’s hard to know whether that’s because I put a lot of pressure on myself for the game to be “perfect” or whether they’re generally not up to scratch but overall, I continue to enjoy the process of finding ways to bring players together around the dining room table and solving some interesting puzzles.
I mentioned it briefly earlier but I’m very much looking forward to coming back to Airecon in 2025. This time I’ll just have a demo table for the new game rather than selling, something I’ll be doing for the first time so please do swing by and give it a play. Hopefully this will also give me some more time to properly take in the amazing atmosphere that Airecon creates and play some new games with friends and fans in the evening.
That’s all for now and see you all in the new year! I hope you all have a fantastic holiday season and that 2025 is the start of a wonderful year for you all.

And second… Sound the trumpets, raise the banners, and grab your bows, friends! The ‘Why We Fight: Direct Action’ playtest kit is now here! While technically version 1.2 of the game, this will double as our quick-start game edition once it’s fully released. We’ve been playtesting and adjusting the game online and in-person since the last version’s release in May, so pretty much everything has had an overhaul! You could say it’s a real… game changer 😉
The core basis for the game and how the characters work all remains the same, but if you want to read the nitty gritty details, the full update can be found here: bit.ly/YWFupdate1point2.
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We’re not anticipating anything major to be changing with Direct Action after this stage, so future updates will be looking at the core Why We Fight book and its developments, along with our progress towards our BackerKit Crowdfunding campaign, which we aim to launch in March! In the meantime, join us for monthly playtests on Discord or play it solo from our itch store and let us know what you think.

Check out the Indie Tabletop Festive Shop and support indie designers this Holiday Season.