February 2023

Welcome to the Indie Tabletop Newsletter, hear from independent tabletop games designers about their current and upcoming projects. Take a look at the games we’ve already self-published and our upcoming Kickstarters, maybe even get yourself a free print n play game. Learn more about this newsletter here.

Designers & Their Games
Crowd Funding Calendar


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The Board Game Survival Kit 2.0 – is live on Kickstarter now! It funded in less than an hour! With the help of some wonderful backers, we’ve even unlocked an I Play Brown kit filled with unpainted wooden components which backers seem quite excited by. The next stretch goal as I type is gold which we’re very close to, then there will be silver, teal and grey to try and reach before the campaign ends on February 23rd!

Please take a look at the campaign using the link below, tell your friends and consider what your gaming buddies might like for birthdays as they come up this year 😉. Any help towards these stretch goals is much appreciated as I would love to be able to offer more colours going forward, remember, every little £1 pledge really adds up by the end of a campaign.

For anyone who doesn’t know – In 2021 I launched and funded this little kit full of components to allow board gamers to play as many games as possible as their favourite colour.

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I figured people who loved purple, orange, pink, less ordinary colours would really love it, and I included red, blue, yellow and green for completeness and because I could. Boy, was I wrong, with the exception of purple (because it’s incredibly loved as a colour) those four main colours have been my biggest sellers and these little kits have continued to be loved.

Back on Kickstarter – I’ve created a fourth type of kit that contains just about everything you’d hopefully need called ‘Ultimate’ and I’ve created a new way to allow backers to have custom labels with the silver of the tin showing through, which I think is a nice touch. I love letting backers have their say, which is why the larger kit sizes were brought in for the first campaign and new colours are being added as stretch goals for this new campaign, all voted on by the backers.

Your Kit Your Way – The one thing I’ve always wanted for The Board Game Survival Kit is that players get the perfect kit for them, this means that as well as your colour, you can choose the type of kit (which components are included), the size of the tin, the type of label it will have, any extra components you would like and even whether your kit will be shrink wrapped or not!

New Products – In January I released my new ‘caged dice’ necklaces that are available on the shop on this site. I’m also working on another type of dice necklace to add, more dice earrings and more of the large dice bags that fold out to be dice trays.

Events – I’ll be at Paradice in worthing on February 11th, if you’ll be there, please come by and say hi. A friendly face is always lovely to see. I’d love to find some smaller events like Paradice near to me that allow exhibitors so please let me know if you’ve found one!

The Board Game Survival Kit

Do you send birthday cards, Valentine’s cards, or Christmas cards? We have a card for you — and we have them all in one big Kickstarter!

Three new games-on-cards are coming to Kickstarter on 7 Feb. They’re all A5 cards with gorgeous artwork. One card is a solo race against time, featuring flowers and bumblebees! The second card is a simple logic puzzle about cakes and tea — prefect for Mother’s Day. The third card is a harder logic puzzle, this time about four adventurers in a dungeon…

You’ll also be able to buy all our previous greetings cards too — especially useful if you live outside the UK.

Follow our Kickstarter page!

This month we have a game from Jamie Hargreaves! Jamie’s game is called Pride and PrejuDice. It’s a Regency roll and write and will be well at home on a shelf with Jane Austen’s books or That’s Pretty Clever. This puzzly game combines dice selection with the need to score certain values or use certain colors to get into blue or red puzzles. You get to play matchmaker to 4 bored people who just want to find love, or love of money. Connecting them gains you fame as you help them find each other across a crowded ball room. Be sure to dodge the hassling of the Chaperone who wants to dissuade the connections, but maybe you can convince them it’s all fair in love and money.

Kickstarter link

It’s been a very busy month or so for Eurydice Games, as we get ready for the main fulfilment phase of our last crowdfunding campaign which we ran on Gamefound. We make FlickFleet on a laser-cutter in Paul’s garage so Paul’s house is currently absolutely full of boxes, acrylic, wooden pieces and dice. Fulfilment has begun though, slightly delayed by Paul’s flu over Christmas. We’ve now sent out all the non-EU playmats and have started shipping the simpler Xeno Wars and Xeno Wars with FlickFleet orders to start to clear some room for the more complex orders!

The EU rewards will all be going at once as for the first time ever we’re using a fulfilment company (the combination of Gamefound collecting EU VAT and GamesQuest shipping DDP means that for the first time since Brexit our EU backer won’t get hit by handling fees and VAT payment on delivery).

While Paul’s been wracked with flu I’ve been frantically playtesting the new Scenario Booklet and getting that printed, so there’s only one outstanding piece of the puzzle now – the laser-cut and etched big boxes that are shipping to us shortly from LaserOx in Hungary.

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We’re also finally nearing the end of the development of our new website – clicking the link might take you to the new one!

Exciting times!

Old/New Website!

This is it. This is the big one. The heist of a lifetime – and you’re just the team to pull it off. All you need is your crew and 18 cards and 18 minutes.

The Score is a brand new kind of storytelling game that combines a bit of improvised roleplaying with a carefully seeded deck of prompts to create an exciting thrill-a-minute heist movie. The rules are so simple you can learn them in under a minute and the game really does take just 18 minutes to play – or less. We’ve been developing The Score for over two years and now we’re bringing it to kickstarter. Join us now to get this beautiful but tiny game in a beautiful boxed set: a storytelling game you can fit in your pocket and take anywhere, but that looks like a work of art you might want to steal…

Sign up to the Kickstarter

Look look look! It’s here! My! Brand! New! Over head machine! Look at those lines! the focus of that lens! Let me demonstrate it’s awesomeness by showing you the Frozen Maze Games 2022 summary!!!

Ahem, this first slide shows the major focus points of the studio this past year. As you can see the most resources have been consumed by Perilous Pond, and only a tiny 10 percent has been put into marketing of Bushido Duels. More about that in a later slide.

Moving on to the progress of Perilous Pond. As you can see in the line graph here on the right we had quite good progress during the spring culminating in two successful demonstrations at the conventions LinCon and NärCon. We got some valuable feedback, a lot of happy play-testers and properly printed dice arrived. The pie chart on the bottom shows the percent of players liking the game. It’s not really much of a pie, more like a cheese wheel perhaps. What we try to say is that everyone liked the game.

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During the second half of the year progress slowed slightly, or perhaps we can say it plateaued. We started strongly with getting boxes for the preview edition but then we had a real hard time to get hold of the dark yellow crystals we needed for the preview editions. As you might remember we had to raid the Schwartzwald forest for their supplies…Boy was that an adventure!

So to summarize the progress, all components needed except for English rule book. Good play-test and finally lots of fun. We are actively looking for reviewers.

A final slide now, Bushido Duels in 2022: A success despite the lack of focus. We’ve been able to get a significant number of boxes in player hands and on major store shelves. For example the Swedish geek culture giant SF-bokhandeln.

Bushido Duels has still gone home well at conventions and at the Christmas market and looks to have a bright future.

Thank you for your attention and let’s make 2023 an even greater year!

What do you think? Will this work when I present it to the board next week? Maybe 15 slides isn’t enough…20? They should be rather stricken by just how sharp the image quality is on this thing…

2022 summary on our blog

After having finished the Two Foxes in the City KS campaign in December, I’ve been busy completing the deliverables. By now I’m done, including the personal rewards and the stretch goal app. So yes, you can play the game for free on your (Android) phone!

I’ve also started testing my next game, working title “Otter Strike”. It’s a co-op card game with in-hand sorting mechanisms. In the first iterations, the otter agents manoeuvred on a map, but it took away from the card play. On the photo, you can see the latest iterations, which is cards only. For my prototypes, I use standard playing cards, sleeve them and insert my printed own cards to be able to shuffle well and iterate quickly. First play tests are promising. If this promise keeps up, I plan to use the profits from my first Kickstarter to illustrate the cards and box for a potential first printed game. If you’re an illustrator and would like to collaborate, feel free to reach out 🙂


Rainy Day Games
We are really excited to announce that our Kickstarter campaign will be launching on 10th March! We will be exhibiting at AireCon during the first 3 days of the campaign so please drop by to say hi 😀

In preparation for the campaign we have been sending review copies to our favourite reviewers in the tabletop gaming space. Even though it has only been a few weeks, we have already got reviews on Cake of Doom. Read all of our recent reviews on our website.

We have also been attending events at D20, Tanuki and will soon be heading to Paradice Board Gaming Convention in Worthing on 11th Feb.

We want to share our new game mat design with as many people as possible. We know it will make the game even easier to learn and play – and offer an add-on that makes the gaming experience feel even more special.

Cake of Doom Kickstarter pre-launch

We had a bit of downtime over the Christmas season, but we’ve got a lot going on at the moment. Hobgoblin from our good friend Mike Hutchinson and Electi studio will be hitting Kickstarter soon, Hobgoblin is a fast moving and brutal miniatures agnostic massed battle game, so look out for that. Our last set of expansions for SSO has all the artwork together and at the graphic designers being typeset for a triple threat Kickstarter in April to hopefully follow up for our relaunch of Song of Tales in May. Currently I’ve been working on a range of miniatures games, a cross between Squid Game and Running Man, Crash T.V. is a partially co-operative miniatures game which is being pitched now and Boarders and Black Flags is my pirate themed miniatures game coming to Kickstarter in the later half of the year. We’ll be sure to keep you updated as projects progress.

Our website

This year PostCurious will be celebrating the fifth anniversary of our first game, The Tale of Ord, with a remastered second edition, soon to be on Kickstarter! This new version will feature a beautiful new box cover, a narrative rewrite, and plenty of puzzle improvements, including better signposting and graphics. It will also be available at a much lower pricepoint as we hope to be able to do a full print run with the help of our backers. If you have a second, give our pre-launch page a follow!

Thread of Fate Kickstarter

Crumbs! The Sandwich Filler Game is coming to Kickstarter soon! Click the link below to receive a launch notification. “It’s the lunchtime rush at your cafe, and you have a queue of hungry customers! Can you make sandwiches efficiently enough to fulfil their orders and leave nobody waiting?”

Crumbs! is a solo/cooperative 18-card puzzle game for 1-2 players designed by J. Antscherl, illustrated by Rory Muldoon (Skora, Tinderblox, Voyages), and published by Minerva Tabletop Games (Swatch) launching on Kickstarter this summer.

Stack ingredient cards to make sandwiches matching a customer order and reset your actions. If your actions reach zero without having made a sandwich, your customers get tired of waiting and leave, losing you the game. Complete a number of orders (depending on your difficulty) to make it through the lunch rush and win the game!

Click the link to view the Kickstarter preview page and save the project, receiving a notification when the game launches.

Save project now

Nearly Done: Our Castleshire games are mass-manufactured including all the extra components for upgrade kits. What a relief. Huge excitement at Sven’s place when a mass-produced sample arrived on the day before the scheduled pickup from the factory. We verified that everything was okay. While pleased with it, one component, the obstacle die, had mirrored iconography, so we had to put shipping on hold. The factory confirmed the fault, reproduced the dice, unboxed the palettes, removed the shrink-wrap from each game box, and replaced the dice in all copies. And when there’s one issue, there’s always another one too. The game boxes didn’t pass the final routine checks as their humidity reading was too high, so they ended up in a drying room.

Shipping: Those two issues meant that we couldn’t follow our shipping schedule. We had organized to have our games on the ocean before the Chinese New Year celebrations; however, their new pickup date is in early February. Being conservative, the games will arrive at the backer addresses around 3 weeks earlier than promised in our Kickstarter campaign.

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Legendary Edition: The past two months have been busy with fine-tuning the design of the game box and insert trays (photo). The most challenging task was to adjust the laser-cutter to cut and engrave the different types of wood without burning the wood too much and leaving ash marks.

What’s Next: We will have the final pre-manufacturing prototype of the Legendary Edition ready by the end of February, and then start mass-manufacturing. This will take us about 2 months during which we’ll contact all backers who get a custom-made variation of their game. Next to that, once the factory-made games arrive in New Zealand, we’ll assemble, pack, and ship all Castleshire upgrade kits. We will also contact our retailer backers and existing retailer network to confirm their orders. A busy February is lying ahead.

Castleshire Pledge Manager


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