Welcome to the Indie Tabletop Newsletter, hear from independent tabletop games designers about their current and upcoming projects. Take a look at the games we’ve already self-published and our upcoming Kickstarters, maybe even get yourself a free print n play game. Learn more about this newsletter here.
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Players will place 1 Star then take an action which includes drawing a Constellation card for scoring, drawing another Star, or protecting a Star they have previously drawn on the sheet. After the player finishes their turn, they pass their sheet to the left. This mechanism really shines with trying to maximize positions for yourself while also minimizing beneficial Stars for your opponent. Players will find plenty of strategy as they search for the right constellations to match the sheets as they have been passed.

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If you have any interest at all in designing games for miniatures, I’d strongly suggest swinging by the Discord and giving it a try, there’s really nothing to lose, and a whole lot of fun to be had!
Sorry if that’s too many exclamation points, but it’s been that sort of week.

Speaking of expansions, we also have a new scenario for Relics: A Game of Angels. The epic heaven-shaking campaign that began with The Devil’s Own Luck has revealed that the company Babble is manufacturing demon-killing weaponry. Can the angels break in and find out what’s going on or will they be baffled by Babble bouncers? What God Hath Wrought comes out in September. And there’s always, always more to come from Tin Star.

The designs I originally chose to use for the apparel are a meeple and D20 cutout for the belts as the buckles are quite a small space to work with. For the caps and backpacks I could be a little more creative, I created a range of designs and asked on social media and a couple of discord groups which they preferred. Thanks to that feedback I was able to work out how many of each design to make ahead of UKGE.
I made some with a meeple heart cutout design (by far the most popular choice from the comments), a meeple with star design and a lucky meeple with a four-leaf clover cutout design. As well as the text “Game Night with My Meeple” where the circle in the o and p are replaced with meeples, “Board Game Addict”, and “LOVE” where the O is replaced with a meeple.
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These designs have proven to be popular so far and I can’t wait to expand on them in time.
I’ve also had a wonderful interview in the form of a blog post with Joe from whatifgames.co.uk. We talked about the manufacturing side of games production and I shared my experience with both mass production, prototype creation and how many of my games are handcrafted. Joe was wonderful to work with and I hope you’ll take the time to visit the blog and check it out, he was even kind enough to give this very newsletter a shoutout at the end of the blog post. Thank you!
In other news the house move has been delayed, whilst at the beginning of this year I thought I would be launching Malus Hortus on Kickstarter by the end of the year, it is now clear that any new big projects will have to be pushed back to 2025. It’s an upsetting time for me as a business owner and game designer to have to expand my timeline but that’s why in the meantime I’m focusing on listing all the wonderful board gaming accessories I’ve been making along the way, especially in time for Christmas, I’m always looking for a silver lining after all.

If you didn’t back it back in July, you can still “late pledge” on Kickstarter to order your copy of this print-and-play game about the 2024 UK election.
It feels strange to finally be properly finishing a game, after something like seven years of designing and playtesting. As I write I’m away from home considering my next steps in game design and publishing.
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It’s an exciting time for me, and I am starting to appreciate the genuine and heartfelt sentiment that you often see gamemakers express: how grateful we are for the community of gamers who playtest with us, who back the games on crowdfunding platforms, and share their enthusiasm for our games with others. At the risk of sounding overly sentimental, it really is a beautiful thing to see up close.

Ministry of Lost Things: Lint Condition is the first case in a whimsical puzzletale series about the secret lives of lost objects. Explore a parallel dimension full of forgotten items. Searching for those misplaced umbrellas, stray remotes, and literally anything you drop in the seat gap of your car? It’s all in the Elusiverse. Take on the role of a M.O.L.T. scout, piecing together clues to reunite lost items with their companions.
We’re also thrilled with our box cover art! Nicole Gustafsson (of Nimasprout) did an amazing job with it, and we think it beautifully complements the story and theme of the game.
Want to help us preserve the fabric of spacetime? Become an Elusiverse Scout Captain today! If you place a $1 refundable deposit now, you’ll receive an official M.O.L.T. enamel pin ($8 MSRP) when you back the game on Kickstarter. And, most importantly, the glory of being an Elusiverse pioneer!